Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Death Lives in life

If there is one thing in life we can be sure of, it’s that eventually we will die. But have you ever felt like dying? I bet, you did. A broken heart, A shattered dream, A poor grade, A failed career… that’s when death says… “Hi, need help?”. But have you ever thought “Death! What next!” There is no next to death. It is the end. The end to a heart that could be mended, The end to a dream that could be reformed . The end to a grade that could be reconstructed. The end to a career that could be regained.

Life gives us second chances. And the thought of death helps us live those chances. Death is dark, Death is confusing, Death is painful, but it’s never deceiving. Life ditches us many times. Death never falters. But death is never an option. Let death be just a thought that inspires you to move ahead. Let death be just a thought that inspires you to fight in the gravest of situations. Let death be just a thought that inspires you to LIVE. Let death be just a thought. Everyone deserves a tomorrow, and that tomorrow is always a new beginning!

Death is larger than life. For it is the fear of death that brings about the appreciation for life.  Life may be harsh, it may be sickenly sweet but Life is worth living. And it is this Life that prepares us for the inevitable ending- Death. So in the journey called Life, if you ever happen to meet Death, greet him and say “I am busy living now, but see you soon” and move on. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Stopwatch


                                                   “What is this life if, full of care,

                                                     We have no time to stand and stare."

Man has mastered all. Yet he fails in one area, miserably - “TIME”. He could not bind it, he could not buy it, so he decided to measure it, in terms of money, profits, returns. Time wasted is money wasted. But how is time wasted? Munching a handful of pakoras while gaping at the raining city outside is time wasted. A prolonged dinner chatting with your family is time wasted. A walk to the garden with your pet beside you is time wasted. The reason being - they do not produce any tangible benefits, like money.

How do we define time? A dictionary definition of time would be “A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from past through the present to the future.” I would say time cannot be defined. It only lives through our memories, our feelings, our experiences, our love, and our lives. Not necessarily producing any material results but yes, giving us takings that help us to become better human beings.

I consider myself lucky enough to have been able to live a childhood enjoying the bliss of my father’s bed time stories and mother’s  handmade patisaptas and pithe because, back then, time could be “wasted” But my sympathies with the younger generation who, though, taught to utilize time don’t know how to respect it.

“A poor life this is if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare."
-  William Henry Davies.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I Love


I Hate


I Envy


I Feel

I Pray


I Hide


I Crave


I Care


I Fear


I Treasure


I Deny


I Deserve


Monday, June 28, 2010

The Last Token Of Love...

Does falling in love entail we will fall out of love eventually!!
Does being that someone special assure we will always be "special" and not just "someone"!!!

Those sleepless nights spent on the phone...
dreams woven on crimson threads...
sneaking out of college gates..
wandering all around the city on hot summer afternoons..
waiting for the clock to strike 12 to wish him happy birthday...have, but a (not so)glorious ending.

Here...an empty bottle of perfume..a half ten rupee note..a ticket to the park...a walk by the lake..a busy park street crossing...some broken promises...few wonderful memories...handful of stored text messages..a kiss in the rain...a CD stolen from you...your first cooked lunch...all...back ...for you.

Now, can I have mine back???

Love, after-all, is a risky purchase...with no warranty whatsoever..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Darker Side

The choice of such a thought provoking topic as my first endeavor in blogging was not co-incidental but intentional considering the selfish motives of some loved ones I recently witnessed. By now you may have had an idea about the topic of my discussion- The darker side of human nature. To put it in a more raw form we can say it is the part of our mind where Satan resides. The darker side that envies the better grades earned by our best buddy, the darker side that spites the brand new car bought by our neighbor, the darker side that is present in every one of us in suppressed form but we are unaware of. The question that springs in my mind at this point of time is: Is it always a negative attribute that creates only destruction, abhorrence, devastation. A bit of introspection and deep thinking led me to the answer which is an inevitable NO. Evil, although considered appalling and something from which we should lay our hands off at any cost, may sometimes turn out to be a blessing in disguise. It is a blessing when our best friend’s grade encourages us to get one and not just loathe about it, it is a blessing when we plan to buy ourselves a new car by our hard earned money and not think to obliterate our neighbors. Anything used in moderation will prove fruitful and so is the evil being that is present within us. Thus I conclude by saying we cannot deny our darker side but what we can try to do is control and moderate it in a way that serves to be prolific both for us and the society. As the saying goes “Man is the architect of his own fate”, so lets strive to make ours better.